European Western Balkans
European Integration

Drljević: Civil society made significant contribution to the EU integration

PODGORICA – “Civil society has made a significant contribution to the process of European integration of Montenegro and we expect their active participation in the next period”, said Aleksandar Drljević, Montenegro’s Chief negotiator with the EU, at the first meeting with representatives of NGOs.

The aim of the first meeting of the Chief negotiator with NGO representatives was to discuss the current effects in the negotiation process, the role and involvement of NGOs, and the need to enhance cooperation in the coming period. He recalled that the cooperation between the Government and the civil sector in the process of Montenegro’s accession to the EU was strengthened through the participation of their representatives in working groups for the preparation of negotiations.

“We value the work of non-governmental organizations in the field of European integration. We are aware that for many things it takes time. We will work together in order to achieve the goal. It is important that there is good will on both sides to improve cooperation, and NGOs can count on my openness for each of their proposals”, Drljević said.

Drljević assessed that civil society representatives made a significant contribution to the working groups, as well as in the preparation of strategic documents, expressing the expectation that the partnership will be further strengthened in the next phase of the negotiations.

Representatives of non-governmental organizations proposed the introduction of an observer in working groups, as an additional mechanism for their involvement and contribution to the process. They also pointed out the need to review the action plans for chapters 23 and 24.

The participants agreed that the partnership should be based on trust and communication, which is a prerequisite for development and progress in EU accession.

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