NOVI SAD – Third Regional Youth Forum Conference was held yesterday in Novi Sad. The Regional Youth Forum will gather 200 young leaders from the Western Balkans from June 29 to July 1.
Igor Mirović, President of the Government of Vojvodina, said that there is only one path for the future, European path and that young generations from the region need to work together.
The Mayor of Novi Sad, Miloš Vučević, said that the Forum is one of many events that are going to be organized in Novi Sad this summer. According to him, Novi Sad is proud to be a part of the process.
Second secretary at the British Embassy in Belgrade, Dominik Neil, said that by supporting this forum and hosting the Summit of the Western Balkan countries in July, UK confirms its commitment to support the process of cooperation based on european values.
President of the Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence, Sonja Liht, said that she is convinced that this forum will continue to work and that it will bring new ideas and energy by connecting young people.
The Executive Director of the European Fund for the Balkans, Hedvig Morvai, emphasized that this forum is finally placed within the framework and that he sees it as a methodology for creating a new institution that will provide the opportunity for communication, exchange and cooperation.
The Third Regional Youth Forum is organized by the European Movement in Serbia – the local council of Novi Sad, the Belgrade Fund for Political Excellence and the European Fund for the Balkans, in partnership with the German Organization for International Cooperation – the Open Regional Fund for South East Europe for the Promotion of EU Integration and the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO). This year’s forum is part of the official program of the upcoming summit in London, which takes place on 09 and 10t July 2018. Conclusions from the forum will be presented at the annual Summit within the “Berlin Process”, as well as at the eighth Belgrade Security Forum and the Bled Strategic Forum. The Forum was supported by the Government of the United Kingdom, the City of Novi Sad, the Government of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina and the Council for Regional Cooperation and Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabić.