European Western Balkans
European Integration

More than 300 million Euro of pre-accession aid planned for BiH for 2018-2020

BRUSSELS – The European Commission adopted on 3 August the revised Indicative Strategy Paper for Bosnia and Herzegovina for the period 2014-2020. The strategic document has been updated to take into account the most relevant developments towards the EU integration process and the results achieved so far in the different areas of intervention.

As results of the revision the Indicative strategy Paper for Bosnia and Herzegovina has been extended until 2020 since the current document was only covering the period until 2017.

Furthermore, considering the progress made since 2014 in developing countrywide strategies in the key priority sectors, the revised Indicative Strategy Paper includes new sectors for IPA II support for Bosnia and Herzegovina such as agriculture and rural development, environment and energy, with an increased overall financial allocation. The total indicative allocation for the period 2018-2020 amounts to EUR 314.9 million.

For the period 2018-2020, Bosnia and Herzegovina will continue to benefit from IPA II assistance for the implementation of the public administration reform, including public financial management. Support in the rule of law sector will further improve access to justice for all citizens and improve the coordination and capacity for border management, fighting corruption and organised crime. IPA II assistance will support further reforms to ensure protection of fundamental rights, in particular of the most vulnerable groups, including Roma and refugees and internally displaced persons. Moreover, IPA will continue supporting reforms in the education, employment and social sectors focusing on the reform of labour and employment institutions.

Support for agriculture and rural development will contribute to increase competitiveness of the agro-food sector and better living standards for farmers and the rural population. Similarly, the inclusion of environment and energy for IPA II support is crucial to support the adoption of EU-aligned legislation and infrastructure investments notably in water and waste management, civil protection and flood management, and of climate action including energy efficiency and renewable energy. The support in the energy sector is conditioned on the adoption of a comprehensive countrywide strategy.

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