European Western Balkans
Regional cooperation

Republika Srpska officials with Inzko: RS dedicated toward EU integration of BiH

BiH and EU flags; Photo: European Commission

SARAJEVO –  RS institutions are completely dedicated to the process of European integration, said Željka Cvijanović, the President of Republika Srpska (RS) after her meeting with High Representative Valentin Inzko, adding that election results implementation in BiH is a necessary condition for receiving the candidate status.

During her meeting with the delegation of OHR led by Inzko, she underlined that is about time that BiH gets a new Council of Ministers and legitimate government due to the fact that elections were held six month ago.

Delegation of OHR also met with the president of National Assembly of RS Nedeljko Čubrilović. He said that RS has established all the institutions in line with the law, respecting the citizens’ will. In addition, it has demonstrated the stability and respect for EU values.

Čubrilović underlined that all relevant levels of government and leaders in RS and BiH are supporting European integration adding that they would have to focus more on the questions they made a consensus and less on questions where there is disagreement.

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