European Western Balkans

Žbogar: We expect EU to open the negotiations with North Macedonia in June

Samuel Žbogar; Photo: Wikimedia Commons

SKOPJE – The European Commission will recommend opening of the accession negotiations with North Macedonia in its report, says the EU Ambassador to North Macedonia Samuel Žbogar, for the Plusinfo, reports Tanjug.

“I am convinced that the Commission will recommend in its report the opening of negotiations with North Macedonia,” Žbogar points out.

He adds that the final decision on opening of the negotiations member states adopt on the basis of the European Commission’s report.

“We expect this decision in June, hoping it will happen. I think that last year this country demonstrated its dedication to the EU and reforms,” says the EU Ambassador to North Macedonia.

As he explains, crucial decisions have been made in North Macedonia and the opposition and the government are working on important laws.

“North Macedonia will serve as an example to the region – a country dedicated to the reforms,” Žbogar concludes.

The European Commission will publish the progress report on North Macedonia and according to the EU Ambassador to North Macedonia, this report will take into account the enormous progress achieved in the last couple of years.

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