European Western Balkans
European Integration

Extraordinary AFET meeting to be held on May 29

European Parliament; Photo: European Union

BRUSSELS – Extraordinary European Parliament’s Committee of Foreign Affairs’ (AFET) meeting, where Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn will present 2019 Enlargement Package, will be held on May 29, it is announced in the official AFET agenda.

The meeting, which will be held just a few days after the EU elections, is scheduled for 11:00.

The chief negotiator for the accession of the Republic of Serbia to the European Union Tanja Miščević warned that the delay in the publishing of the 2019 Enlargement Package could be a problem for Serbia and other Western Balkan countries.

“If the report gets published at the end of May, we will be in problem with time. The progress in chapters is measured by the annual country progress report, so if it comes too late, how will the Member States be able to properly assess whether the progress has been made,” said Miščević at the conference “The importance of Romanian Presidency of the EU for Serbia and the Western Balkans” held in February in Belgrade.

As the European Western Balkans previously published, the Chairman of Delegation to the EU-Serbia Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee Eduard Kukan announced that the extraordinary AFET meeting will be scheduled for May 29. On that occasion, Kukan, who was a Member of the European Parliament in two mandates, said he will not run for another one.

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