European Western Balkans
Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue

Thaçi in favour of coordination between Paris and Washington ahead of WB Summit

Hashim Thaçi; Photo: Office of The President of Kosovo

PRISTINA – President of Kosovo Hashim Thaçi said that the forthcoming Summit in Paris at the beginning of July should open the path towards reaching an agreement between Belgrade and Pristina.

He remarked that nobody can replace Europe as a mediator in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, but also adds that the relations between the two sides are so fragile that an agreement cannot be reached without a strong support from the United States.

“Balkan Summit in Brussels at the end of April did not bring anything concrete. There was no coordination with the United States. I hope that the Summit in Paris at the beginning of July will be different and that a full coordination between Paris and Washington will be established”, stated Thaçi fro French Express over the weekend, media from Pristina report.

He added that he believes in pragmatism and the vision of French President Emmanuel Macron who, he says, is aware of the situation and knows it is important for Europe.

“If we cannot establish good relations with Belgrade, we will never become EU and NATO member. It is a golden opportunity. If we miss it, our children will suffer the consequences. They will find themselves in the situation of a “frozen conflict” which could escalate at any moment”, said Thaçi.

Asked which compromise with Belgrade is he ready to support, he answered that his goal is reaching a favourable agreement, but that it will not be easy.

He also stated that there has never been a discussion on the exchange of territories.

“If it comes to the comprehensive agreement, everybody knows that one of the main topics will be demarcation between Kosovo and Serbia. This issue will never be going to be solved easily, because it is a very fragile issue in the Balkans. My intention is not to change the borders, but to open them, as is the case in the whole of Europe”, said Thaçi.

In the meantime, EU Office in Prisitina, on the occasion of Thaçi’s remarks that he will not allow the formation of the Association of Serb Municipalities, stated that the obligations of Belgrade and Pristina stemming from the Brussels dialogue are clear.

“In the Annual Reports, published on 29 May, the obligations of Belgrade and Pristina are clearly emphasised”, the Office stated for Gazeta Express.

The Office urged Belgrade and Pristina to reach an agreement on normalisation of relations.

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