European Western Balkans

EC open to methodology reform, opening talks with Skopje and Tirana is a priority

Emmanuel Macron and Zoran Zaev; Photo: Wikimedia Commons

BRUSSELS – EU Spokesperson for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Ana Pisonero stated that the goal of the new European Commission is to get as close as possible to the Western Balkans in its work.

“Debate on the reform of the enlargement policy is currently taking place among candidate countries, and European Commission will lay out its ideas when it is invited to do so”, Pisonero said.

She added that the Members States have not officially asked EC to formulate its proposals for the new methodology of the accession process.

“We have received the French proposal. It is a contribution to the debate that is ongoing among Member States”, she said.

Pisonero stated that the Commission is open for the discussion on the enlargement reform, but that the current priority is opening of accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania.

“The two countries have deserved it”, said Pisonero, who succeeded Maja Kocijančič as one of the Spokesperson on the Western Balkan issues.

She said that European Commission and its President Ursula von der Leyen are clear in their position that WB has a clear EU perspective.

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