European Western Balkans

Kurti apologises for not revoking import tariffs and introducing reciprocity

Albin Kurti; Photo: Flickr / UPF International

PRISTINA – Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti apologised to Kosovo citizens because the authorities did not start applying the measures of partial or gradual revoking of import tariffs for Serbia and because of the fact he did not support the Kosovo Government’s measures towards the prevention of COVID-19 virus spread, reports N1.

“Today, March 15, 2020, the 100% tariff on raw materials imported from Serbia should have been abolished. This will not happen because my position on February 26, 2020 was not made a decision meanwhile. I am sorry for this. I still have not managed to convince our ruling coalition partner, LDK, of what I am convinced – gradually replacing the tariff with reciprocity is the best, fairest and most useful way,” Kurti wrote on his Facebook wall.

Concerning the novel coronavirus measures, Kurti said the Assembly failed to back the measures on this matter, reports N1.

“Yesterday’s session of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo, which started in the afternoon and ended after midnight, did not respect the orders for physical distance above one meter between people at the time of the coronavirus pandemic. With my deputy Prime Ministers, I was closer than ever, and sometimes during various conversations as we discussed the 2020 budget that we approved last night. I’m sorry about that and apologize,” he wrote.

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