European Western Balkans

EU support Kosovo budget with 9.9 million euros; the government must accelerate reforms

Photo: EU Office in Kosovo

PRISTINA – The European Union Office in Kosovo announced that the treasury of Kosovo was paid the amount of 9.9 million euros from the funds to support the budget and that it refers to the harmonized criteria regarding the reform of public administration and public financial management.

“EU support for public administration and public financial management reforms followed the government’s progress in implementing its own strategies and achieving the goals agreed with the EU”, stated in a press release.

The EU has been working with the Kosovo government on these reforms since December 2017.

“Based on this, the government must now accelerate the pace of reforms. In particular, the Commission expects the government to maintain its commitment to implementing the legislative package as part of public administration reform and to take the necessary steps to increase the accountability of independent agencies to increase transparency, especially regarding the use of budget funds and the public procurement procedure”, EU Office in Kosovo announced.

They concluded that this EU support will help Kosovo in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on the economy and public finances

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