European Western Balkans
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Washington supports a solution that will lead to mutual recognition of Kosovo and Serbia

WASHINGTON – The new US administration fully supports the Brussels dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, whose goal is a comprehensive agreement on normalization, officials from the US State Department told Radio Free Europe (RFE), FoNet reports. They stressed that the United States will continue to support Kosovo and Serbia in negotiations to reach a comprehensive solution. “As President Biden said: a comprehensive solution that will lead to mutual recognition, preservation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of both countries and strengthening of their democratic institutions is essential for the progress of Kosovo and Serbia. It would improve the security and prosperity of both countries, advance their aspirations for EU membership and other multilateral institutions, and support the permanent goal of Europe as a whole, free and peaceful,” a State Department spokesman said in a written statement. These allegations confirm that during the new administration in Washington, there will be greater coordination with Brussels in attempts to reach an agreement between Belgrade and Pristina, which was not the case with the previous administration, led by former President Donald Trump, according to RFE.

Read more: ICG: Belgrade-Pristina dialogue needs compromise to move forward

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