European Western Balkans
Conference on the Future of Europe

International Youth Conference “European Values For the Future of SEE Countries” starts this week

International Youth Conference 2020; Photo: Twitter / @YouthAlliance1

KRUSEVO – International Youth Conference “European Values for the Future of the SEE Countries “ will take place from 30 September to 4 October in Krusevo, North Macedonia

The Conference has existed since 2003 as a forum where 60 young leaders, youth workers and representatives from prominent NGOs from 16 countries are gathered every year.

“This year’s Conference will take place under the general topic “The Regional Transformation” and aims to provide youth answers to some of the most pressing questions of the region, focusing on the European integration, in times of unprecedented challenges”, the announcement reads.

The topics of the Conference are interlinked to the EU Youth Strategy and Conference on the Future of Europe, for which the Young European Ambassadors from the Western Balkans will take part.

The Conference is foreseen to be five-day event covering five different topics under discussion. The sessions are planned as plenary sessions whereby different speakers will have specific introduction in hybrid format, blended participation both online and physical. Apart of the plenary session three working groups are foreseen for shaping direct recommendation from the young people towards the decision makers that will be respectfully presented and disseminated to them.

The Conference will focus on the following five thematic tracks: step-by-step – a new European strategy for the region; securing the European future of the region; youth-led transformation of the integrative politics of the region; sustainable and digital transformation of the region and financing the future of the region.

It will bring together up to 60 participants from the countries from the SEE region (North Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Kosovo, Montenegro, Italy, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and Turkey) and guests from youth organizations partners from Germany, France and Poland in the role of mentors.

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