European Western Balkans

Greens/EFA MEPs to host the conference “Green Wave in the Western Balkans” on Thursday

European Parliament in Brussels; Photo: Wikimedia Commons

BRUSSELS – Members of the European Parliament from the Greens/EFA political group will host the Western Balkan officials and politicians for a conference “Green Wave in the Western Balkans” on 30 June at the European Parliament in Brussels.

The conference is organised by MEPs focusing on the region: Viola von Cramon (Germany), Gwendoline Delbos-Corfield (France), Tineke Strik (the Nethrlands) and Thomas Waitz (Austria).

“With the rise of new green parties and following green electoral successes in the Western Balkans, the Greens/EFA group in the European Parliament are inviting key green actors from the region for a round table discussion on the green wave and our future challenges”, the announcement reads.

Two panel discussions will take place, the first one gathering officials and think-tankers, and the second one politicians affiliated with the European Greens. The conference will last from 15:00 to 18:00.

The participants of the first panel discussion, with the topic of the state of EU integration of the Western Balkans, will be Jovana Marović, Deputy Prime Minister of Montenegro and Minister for European Affairs, Manuel Sarrazin, Special Envoy of the German Government for the Western Balkans, Ardita Abazi Imeri, European Policy Institute Skopje and David Hudson, Senior Expert on EU Enlargement, DG NEAR.

Speakers at the second panel, titled “Green wave in the Western Balkans – perspectives”, will feature Nebojša Zelenović, President, Together for Serbia, Serbia, Radomir Lazović, Ne davimo Beograd, Serbia and Amna Popovac, HOĆEMO, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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