European Western Balkans

Open call for Human Rights Conference scholarships programme

Belgrade; Photo: Pixabay

BELGRADE – Civil Rights Defenders offer a limited number of scholarships for representatives and activists of human rights organisations who would otherwise be unable to participate in the Conference for financial and other reasons.  The  Scholarship Programme was established to expand the mission of the Conference to work on building the capacities of both regional and international activists working on issues relevant to LGBTI+ people.

For the International Human Rights Conference 2022, Scholarships will support full participation to all sessions of the Conference from the 13th to the 16th of September 2022, travel and accommodation costs, as well as access to other Pride Week events and the Pride Parade. Recipients will be expected to share their experiences and knowledge acquired at the Conference and other Pride events within their organisations and local communities following the attendance of the Conference.

“Participants are selected based on their previous work experience in human rights, commitment to human rights, and demonstrated ability to make contributions to the improvement of the position of LGBTI+ people in their countries”, Civil Rights Defenders stated.  The deadline for the submission of applications is the 31st of July 2022.

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