European Western Balkans

Lower roaming charges between EU and Western Balkans from 1 October 2023

Photo: EU

TIRANA — The leaders of the Western Balkans countries and EU representatives witnessed signing of the declaration between representatives of telecom operators from the Western Balkans and the EU on the first voluntary lowering of roaming charges, ahead of the EU-Western Balkans Summit held in Tirana on 6 December.

Starting from 1 October 2023, the declaration will enable lower roaming prices for communication between the region and the EU.

Roaming charges among the six Western Balkan countries have previously been abolished in July 2021, according to the Regional Roaming Agreement signed within the framework of the Berlin Process.

In their statement ahead of the Tirana Summit, Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) explained that lower roaming costs between the Western Balkans and the EU will provide incentives for business and for tourism, as they reflected upon the positive results of the regional roaming agreement.

RCC also drew attention to their close cooperation with the European Commission, operators from the EU and the Western Balkans leaders in fostering the agreement on lower roaming charges.

In November, more than 80 members of European Parliament signed a letter to the Commission President Ursula von der Leyen asking the Commission to expand the European Free Roaming Area to the Western Balkans six as well.

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