European Western Balkans

EP Rapporteurs presented reports for Kosovo and Serbia in AFET

AFET committee meeting - Exchange of views with Prime Minister of Serbia; Photo: European Union

BRUSSELS – European Parliament Rapporteurs for Kosovo and Serbia, Viola von Cramon and Vladimir Bilčik, presented a draft report on Kosovo in EP Committee on Foreign Affairs (AFET) on Tuesday.

The draft EP resolution on Kosovo “calls for the full implementation of all relevant agreements, including the establishment of a community of municipalities with a Serbian majority” and expresses regret over the fact that initiatives to include the Serbian community in the political, social and economic structures of Kosovo are still very limited.

The Government of Kosovo and the representatives of the Kosovo Serbs are invited to engage in genuine dialogue to increase mutual trust, according to the document authored by EP representative Viola von Cramon-Taubadel from the Green Party political group.

The draft document gives “full support to the EU’s special representative for dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo; invites Kosovo and Serbia to engage in this dialogue in good faith and the spirit of compromise, to reach a comprehensive, legally binding agreement on the normalization of their relations, based on mutual recognition, following international law”.

The document condemns all actions that threaten the stability and the reconciliation process, including tensions in the north of Kosovo. It reminds of the common responsibility for peace and the rule of law of all people in Kosovo.

Viola von Cramon stated today in AFET that the draft report on Kosovo is crucial in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina. She assessed that Kosovo’s compliance with Russian sanctions is proof that Kosovo stands by the EU and that it is a partner of the Union in key moments.

Speaking about the reforms in the rule of law, Von Cramon pointed out that the fight against corruption has produced certain results, but there is still a lack of judicial epilogues, which are necessary for an effective fight against corruption.

She mentioned that the draft report noticed a lack of implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy. Von Cramon welcomed the efforts of Kosovo’s Government in the area of the judiciary, adding that there is a need for much more effort to remove political influence on the judiciary.

EP Rapporteur Von Cramon condemned the attacks on journalists. “Attacks on journalists are unacceptable, and the responsibility lies with the highest state officials in Pristina,” Von Cramon said, emphasizing that resolving cases of attacks on journalists should be a priority.

Today in AFET, EP Rapporteur for Serbia Vladimir Bilčik presented a report on Serbia, which states that progress in the rule of law, normalization of relations with Kosovo and alignment with the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU will determine the further dynamics of Serbia’s accession negotiations with the EU.

He assessed that the war in Ukraine changed the whole of Europe and the enlargement process

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