European Western Balkans

EU accession process in focus of Brdo-Brijuni Process leaders’ meeting in Skopje

Photo: President of North Macedonia

SKOPJE – Accelerating the European Union accession process, combatting the effects of climate change and their mitigation, and keeping young people in the Western Balkans are the main points of the Skopje Declaration of the leaders’ meeting within the Brdo-Brijuni Process. In the Declaration, leaders emphasize the critical importance of accelerating the process of EU integration of the Western Balkans, the need to adapt to the effects of climate change, and to discuss measures ensuring the vitality of societies by retaining young people within the Western Balkans region.

„Enlargement policy and European Union membership perspective of the Western Balkans as the most direct contributor to the maintenance of peace and stability, and more than ever a geopolitical issue, to intensify the strategic dialogue with the EU institutions with the aim of speeding up the EU accession process and prevent the region being left behind. Both the EU as well as the Western Balkans should be ready for the enlargement, as soon as possible, but not later than 2030 in order to achieve this goal“, leaders underlined in the declaration.

They reiterate the necessity of a strong, resilient, and inclusive EU, with the Western Balkans as part of it.

„We acknowledge that comprehensive political, economic, and social reforms are crucial for EU accession. We commit to intensify our efforts in implementing reforms in the Western Balkans aimed at enhancing the rule of law, prosperity, the functioning of democratic institutions, and public administration“, the Declaration said.

Leaders confirm that regional cooperation and good neighborly relations are essential for advancing respective EU paths.“We pledge to work together to foster an atmosphere of mutual trust, understanding, peaceful and lasting resolution of remaining bilateral issues and solidarity among each other“.

Leaders underline the significance of reaching tangible benefits and opportunities for citizens of Western Balkans even before accession. They invite the EU to consider opening pathways that will enable the Western Balkans to explore opportunities by accessing specific EU policies, initiatives, and funds and bring some of the benefits of EU membership to the people of the Western Balkans today.

„We emphasize the urgency of utilizing the new negotiations methodology to expedite the merit-based EU accession process and to further advance the gradual integration between the EU and the region already during the enlargement process itself“, leaders concluded.

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