The new government of North Macedonia wants to re-negotiate the conditions for proceeding to the next stage of the EU accession by delaying the required...
While many in the European Union anticipated controversies during the Hungarian Presidency of the Council, the first week has exceeded expectations. Prime Minister Viktor Orbán...
The discussion of the enlargement of the European Union was given an impetus last September with the report by the Franco-German expert working group on...
Last week, the European Commission published a new Communication on pre-enlargement reforms and policy reviews, contributing to the ongoing discussion on how to get ready...
Political polarization is a part of each democracy. But once a single, “Us versus Them” division becomes predominant and overshadows other ties, it begins to...
Ever since Ukraine and Moldova embarked on their official EU integration process in 2022, the possibility of the new candidates “jumping the queue” has created...
One of the priorities of the Transport Community in 2024 will be the operationalization of the Western Balkans-Eastern Mediterranean European Transport Corridor, which connects eight...
The arrest and alleged beating of Serbian politician Nikola Sandulović at the start of 2024 has received significant international attention. In Serbia, by contrast, even...