This is an op-ed piece written by European Commissioner for Migration Dimitris Avramopulous, published in Blic daily. Over the last two years, the unprecedented migration...
BELGRADE – Croatia has vetoed the opening of Chapter 26 in Serbia’s EU accession talks, and Serbian PM Aleksandar Vučić announced late Monday he would...
BRUSSELS – The Stabilisation and Association Council between the European Union and Kosovo held its first meeting on 25 November 2016. This inaugural meeting marks...
TIRANA – Minister of European Integration, Klajda Gjosha, hosted on Monday the two Chief Negotiators for EU accession of Serbia and Montenegro. The meeting with...
BELGRADE – German Ambassador in Belgrade Axel Dittmann said today that Germany supports Serbia’s EU membership and that no new conditions are emerging, but he...
On 20 June, Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović and Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić met on the Serbo-Croatian border. After visiting both the Croatian and Serbian...
Croatia, which joined the EU in July 2013, is currently blocking Serbia’s EU accession process by raising complaints over progress made in the two negotiation...