European Western Balkans

Commissioner Hahn visits Kosovo

Hahn and Collaku

Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations visits Kosovo on 6 November in the context of the recent signature and ratification (in the Kosovo Assembly) of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement and to communicate on its economic and political benefits. “This Stabilisation and Association Agreement is a milestone for the EU-Kosovo relationship. It will help Kosovo make much needed reforms and will create trade and investment opportunities. It will put Kosovo on the path of a sustainable economic growth and can lead to much needed jobs for its citizens, especially the young,” said Commissioner Hahn ahead of the visit.  During his visit Commissioner Hahn will hold meetings with political leaders including President Atifete Jahjaga, Prime Minister Isa Mustafa, address the Kosovo Assembly and visit EU funded projects. Commissioner Hahn will also meet Bishop Teodosije of Raška-Prizren  at Visoki Decani Monastery.

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