European Western Balkans

SDSM: Here is the program, Ivanov can evaluate it and citizens should return to their homes

meta_maliSKOPJE – The leader of SDSM, Zoran Zaev, presented a new program of the future government, which, he said, stems from the election program “Plan for Life” by SDSM, and programs of the parties that the majority of citizens voted for. He urged the parties – coalition partners to assess it, the opposition to comment on the program and for Ivanov to reconsider his decision on the mandate, and citizens to return to their homes, Meta reports.

The program, the party stated, is based on the Constitution, and is for the needs of the citizens’ and provides unity of the state and prospects for development.

“The program provides a better life, economic development, restoring democracy and the rule of law and justice, effective institutions, integration into NATO and the EU, and a better international reputation. Macedonia will be a state for all citizens and there will be no divisions between people close to the government and people not close to the government”, said Zaev.

He noted that to gain membership into the EU and NATO, the country will undertake urgent reforms arising from the Priebe report and then the Przino Agreement.

Regarding the law on the promotion of languages, he said that it will be easier for all citizens to communicate with the institutions and in everyday life.

“Improving the Law on Languages is solely in accordance with the Constitution and acceptable to the parties that secured 67 signatures to form a government. The use of the Albanian language will expand within amendment 5 of the Law on Languages in the Constitution”, explained Zaev.

Zaev called on the parties that make up the coalition to support the program, and the opposition to consider and evaluate it. He called on citizens “to return to their homes from the streets, as their voice had been heard.”

Zaev called on President Gjorge Ivanov to acknowledge that there is a program that is of interest to citizens and guarantees the unity of the state. He said it is time to form a government and to get out of the political crisis.

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