European Western Balkans

Vučić: Meeting with Putin exceptionally significant

Aleksandar Vučić; Photo: Tanjug/Dragan Kujundzic

TANJUG_maliMOSCOW – Serbian PM Aleksandar Vučić said late Sunday his upcoming meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin was of exceptional political, economic and overall significance for Serbia.

“I feel proud when I represent the interests of my nation in such meetings,” Vučić told the Serbian national broadcaster RTS from Moscow.

It will be Vučić’s tenth encounter with Putin – the Serbian PM said the frequent meetings confirmed the good relations between the two countries.

“We are trying to find new modalities for higher forms of cooperation,” Vučić said, adding that this particularly had to do with economic cooperation.

Speaking about military technical cooperation, he said it concerned six MiG-29 jets, 30 combat vehicles and 30 tanks.

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