European Western Balkans

ICTY: Interpol has issued red notices for three SRS officials

The Tribunal building in The Hague; Photo: WikiCommons/Julian Nitzsche

THE HAGUE – The International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) announced on Friday that Interpol had issued red notices in relation to arrest warrants in the case of three Serbian Radical Party (SRS) officials before the Tribunal, Tanjug reports.
“The red notices, which seek the location and arrest of the accused Petar Jojić, Jovo Ostojić and Vjerica Radeta, were issued by Interpol at the request of the Tribunal’s Registry, following an order of Trial Chamber I. The red notices are effective as of 16 March 2017,” the Tribunal said in a statement.

Jojić, Ostojić and Radeta have been charged with “contempt of court for allegedly having threatened, intimidated, offered bribes to, or otherwise interfered with two witnesses in the trial against Vojislav Šešelj and a related contempt case against him,” the statement said.

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