European Western Balkans

Žbogar: Civil Sector in Macedonia is a target to accusations used for gaining political points

Samuel Žbogar; Photo: Tanjug / Oksana Toskić
meta_maliŠTIP – The civil society in Macedonia is a target of public political accusations that are used for gaining political points, and the civil activists are discredited and marked. This was said today by the Euro Ambassador Samuel Žbogar in Štip during the promotion of the new call by the European Union for the country’s civil organizations in the amount of 5 million of euros, Meta reports.

-This call comes during a period with challenges for the civil society which is under attack with public political accusations that are used for gaining political points. The polarization of the society reflects on the civil activists that are discredited publicly and are marked. Even their personal data is published publicly and illegally, because of which the civil activists are limited to participate in projects. For us, the civil society continues to play an important role in the promotion of EU’s values and the transparency of the state institutions and the local authorities – said Žbogar.

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