European Western Balkans

Zaev: I wish if date is set in 2018 for start of association negotiations

BRUSSELS – I’m happy that we managed to meet today, talk to each other and to conclude that we all stand on the line of the needs of our citizens for promoting the collaboration. The concluded here in the presence of Mogherini that even EU will respect us more if we cooperate more in the region said SDSM’s party leader Zoran Zaev when the informal dinner of the leaders of the six countries of the Western Balkans with EU’s High Representative, Federica Mogherini, Meta reports.

– We talked about all details, about regional projects, about the support for infrastructural projects that are in the process of building and in the phase of applying. We talked about open bilateral issues in the region that are obstacles for the future promotion of the countries towards the European Union. She announced that these practices will be a regular necessity, of meetings of prime ministers of the Western Balkans countries with EU’s high representatives. The opening of chapters 23 and 24 will be of great help in the reforms of the judiciary and the security in Macedonia. I wish if a date is set in 2018 for commencing the negotiations for an association – said Zaev.

When asked about the formation fo the new government and whether Besa will be a part of the government, Zaev said that he is more close towards the allocation of the departments and the personnel with other parties.

– We didn’t manage to talk with Besa Movement about the ministerial posts, and we are still talking about the departments, the total number, the proportions and the responsibilities. I believe that we shall come to the point where we shall be talking about names. All of the party leaders have concluded that we shall try to submit the proposal for a government by the end of the week. According to the Rule-book, the debate at the Parliament lasts 48 hours and that means that at the start fo the next week there should be a new government – said Zaev.

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