European Western Balkans

Serbia could open a few more chapters in June

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BRUSSELS – Malta, which holds the six-month rotating EU presidency, is working on opening a few more negotiation chapters in Serbia’s EU accession talks by the end of June, Tanjug has been told in Brussels.
A source in the Council of the EU said the new chapters could be opened at a June 20 intergovernmental conference.in Luxembourg.

The Maltese Presidency is working on several chapters we hope will be opened at an intergovernmental conference to be held by the end of our presidency, therefore, in June, Anis Kawsar, spokesperson of the Maltese Presidency, confirmed to Tanjug.

Talks are underway among EU member states about what chapters will be opened and when the intergovernmental conference will be held.

Tanjug’s diplomatic sources in Brussels say Chapters 29 (customs union) and 7 (intellectual property) are “almost certain” to be opened.

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