European Western Balkans

Council of the EU adopts conclusions on enlargement, outlines next steps for the candidates

Meeting of the General Affairs Council, December 2024; Photo: European Union

BRUSSELS – The General Affairs Council (GAC) of the European Union today approved conclusions on enlargement, stressing that it is a strategic priority for the European Union. In this regard, the “full and unequivocal commitment to the EU membership perspective of the Western Balkans, Ukraine and Moldova” has been reaffirmed.

“Enlargement is a geo-strategic investment in peace, security, stability and prosperity… Looking ahead to the prospect of a further enlarged Union, both the EU and future Member States need to be ready. Aspiring members need to step up their reform efforts, notably in the area of rule of law, in line with the merit-based nature of the accession process and with the assistance of the EU”, the document states.

The conclusions adopted by the Council show that Montenegro remains the most advanced candidate in terms of its accession process, with the EU Member States ready to initiate “in due time” the preparations for the drafting of the accession treaty with the country. The Council did not give the green light to Serbia to open Cluster 3, stating that it would revert to the issue on the basis of substantial further progress made by the country.

The Council also stated that it looks forward to opening new clusters with Albania, though it pointed out political polarisation as a challenge. When it comes to North Macedonia, the EU Members States reaffirmed their position that they would hold the next intergovernmental conference with the country upon the implementation of the constitutional change.

The Council conclusions noted that “the reform dynamic has since stalled” in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In Kosovo, the EU will gradually lift these measures introduced last year in parallel with further steps by the government to de-escalate the tensions in the north, the document states.

The General Affairs Council is mainly composed of the European affairs ministers and is responsible for a number of cross-cutting policy areas, which include EU enlargement and matters relating to the EU’s institutional set-up. Also, GAC coordinates preparations for the work of the European Council, which is meeting on 19-20 December. It will be preceded by the EU-Western Balkan Summit which is taking place tomorrow.

Council ready to initiate “in due time” the preparations for the drafting of the accession treaty with Montenegro

When it comes to Montenegro, the Council welcomes the “very positive results” on the delivery on longstanding reform commitments.

The Council commends the government’s objective to continue Montenegro’s swift advances on its EU path and encourages all political forces to follow their ambitious plan for the closing of the accession negotiations.

“Provided Montenegro maintains its steadfast reform progress and delivers on required reforms, the Council stands ready to initiate in due time the preparations for the drafting of the accession treaty”, the Council underlines.

The Council particularly commends Montenegro for having, overall, met the interim benchmarks of the rule of law chapters 23 and 24 and encourages it to swiftly proceed to the implementation of the closing benchmarks.

In addition, the Council welcomes the recent provisional closing of three chapters and looks forward to being able to provisionally close further chapters as soon as possible, when the conditions are met.

Montenegro is also encouraged to continue its reform efforts, in particular in pivotal areas such as the freedom of expression and media, including the protection of journalists and the fight against corruption and organised crime, and public administration reforms.

Opening of Cluster 3 with Serbia upon “further substantial progress” of reforms

Regarding the situation in Serbia, the Council stresses that it welcomes that the country has reaffirmed EU integration as its strategic goal, but at the same time it underlines the importance for Serbia “to demonstrate strong political will and consistency in the implementation of EU-related reforms as well as to communicate objectively and unambiguously on the EU”.

In addition, the Council acknowledges the Commission’s assessment that Serbia maintains its level of preparedness on the opening benchmarks in Cluster 3: Competitiveness and inclusive growth.

“The Council will revert to the issue of opening of Cluster 3 on the basis of substantial further progress made by Serbia, in particular in accordance with the areas mentioned in paragraph 29 and in line with the negotiating framework, compared to the assessment set out in the 2024 enlargement report”, the document states.

Paragraph 29 of the document stresses that “Serbia’s progress on the rule of law and the normalisation of relations with  Kosovo will continue to determine the overall pace of accession negotiations”.

The Council reiterates its concern about the lack of progress on improving the freedom of expression and the independence of the media, and calls on Serbia “to implement the adopted media legislation and ensure its further alignment with EU acquis and standards as well as to actively engage in preventing and tackling all forms of disinformation and foreign information manipulation in all media channels”.

The Council reiterates its strong expectation of Serbia to step up its efforts towards full alignment with EU CFSP positions and restrictive measures, including on Russia and Belarus, as a matter of utmost priority.

On the economic criteria, the Council welcomes Serbia’s good level of preparation in developing a functioning market economy and encourages Serbia to continue efforts to implement the necessary structural reforms. It also welcomes Serbia’s enhanced cooperation with the EU, notably the strategic partnership on sustainable raw materials.

Meeting of the General Affairs Council, December 2024; Photo: European Union

The Council looks forward to being able to open further negotiating chapters with Albania

The Council commends the government’s objective to continue Albania’s advances on its EU path, encourages all political forces to follow their ambitious plan for the closing of the accession negotiations, and looks forward to be able to open further negotiating clusters as soon as possible when the conditions are met.

On the other hand, it has been noted that the political polarisation continues to affect the activities of the parliament. In this regard, the Council recalls that “inclusive and constructive political dialogue in the country remains crucial for progress on EU-related reforms”.

The Council calls on Albania to continue strengthening the protection of fundamental rights, including the protection of the rights of persons belonging to minorities, and notes with concern that “no progress was made on media freedom and freedom of expression and the rights of persons belonging to minorities”.

New intergovernmental conference with North Macedonia as soon as it implements constitutional changes

The Council noted that North Macedonia has not yet completed the constitutional changes to which it has committed itself.

“Reiterating the European Council’s call on North Macedonia to accelerate the completion of these changes, the Council reaffirms its readiness to convene another intergovernmental conference, without further delays nor additional political decision, as soon as North Macedonia has implemented its commitment, in line with its internal procedures”, the conclusions read.

It also notes that permanent and decisive steps still are required in order to accelerate the implementation of EU-related reforms, notably in the areas of the fundamentals and the rule of law where only limited progress was made.

The Council commended North Macedonia for on its continued good cooperation regarding migration management, good level of preparation and some progress made by North Macedonia in developing a functioning market economy and its consistent cooperation on foreign policy issues.

“The reform dynamic in BiH has stalled”

The Council welcomes the decision of the European Council on 21-22 March 2024 to open accession negotiations with Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, it notes with regret that “the reform dynamic has since stalled”.

“The Council urges all political actors to renew the country’s focus on progressing on the EU path, taking resolute actions to implement the necessary reforms. Bosnia and Herzegovina should appoint a chief negotiator and a national IPA coordinator under the Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) III as well as develop a national programme for the adoption of the EU acquis”, the document stresses.

Finally, the Council urges all political actors in Bosnia and Herzegovina “to refrain from and renounce provocative divisive rhetoric and actions, including questioning the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the country, to respect the principles of equality and non-discrimination of all citizens belonging to all constituent peoples and others, and to end the glorification of convicted war criminals as well as to actively promote reconciliation”.

Lifting of measures against Kosovo in parallel with further steps to de-escalate tensions in the north

The Council remains deeply concerned about the situation in the north of Kosovo.

“Several uncoordinated actions by Kosovo including those directed against Serbia-supported structures and services operating in Kosovo negatively impacted Kosovo Serbs and other communities and their access to basic public and social services. The Council expects both Kosovo and Serbia to find a sustainable solution to the situation in the north of Kosovo, that guarantees safety, security and participatory democracy for all citizens, in a coordinated manner”, the document states

The Council also calls on Kosovo to enable the reintegration of Kosovo Serb judges, prosecutors,  police officers and other personnel into all Kosovo institutions they left in 2022.

“The Council expects that the reintegration will be done in accordance with Dialogue agreements and with  full respect for Kosovo’s legal framework. In line with the 3 June 2023 statement by the High Representative on behalf of the EU, the EU has been implementing reversible measures vis-à vis Kosovo. The EU will gradually lift these measures in parallel with further steps by  Kosovo to de-escalate the tensions in the north”, it has been underlined by the Council.

The Council positively notes some progress in the fight against organised crime, in particular through increased cooperation with Europol, while limited progress was made with regard to the fight against corruption and the protection of fundamental rights.

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