European Western Balkans
European Integration

NATO: Influx of refugees in Serbia

Hungarian-Serbian border barrier

The Republic of Serbia has been experiencing a significant influx of refugees over the past months. These refugees, mainly from Syria and Afghanistan, are transiting Serbia directed to Hungary and Croatia following the migrant routes towards north and western Europe. Since the beginning of 2015 more than 500.000 people have entered Serbia from the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia¹. The flow of new refugees is estimated between 4.000 – 5.000 people per day on this route. Many of them are women and children.

In order to face the constant arrival of refugees transiting through the country, the Government of Serbia has decided to open an additional reception centre in Bujanovac, some 30km north of Presevo. Transport from the southern border to the reception centres in Presevo and Bujanovac is facilitated by train.

The Serbian Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration are the primary responsible authorities for migrants. They presented a Crisis Response Plan to the Government of the Republic of Serbia. The Plan was adopted by the Serbian Government at the beginning of September 2015.

Representatives from Ministry of Interior, Commissariat for Refugees and Migration, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and other relevant organizations provide assistance to the migrants in all open reception centres in Serbia.

Due to the overstretched national capacities and in light of the upcoming winter season additional humanitarian assistance is necessary.

In accordance with the procedures at reference, EADRCC has received today, 17 December 2015, a request for assistance from the Republic of Serbia.

1. Turkey recognises the Republic of Macedonia with its constitutional name.

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