European Western Balkans
Regional cooperation

Joint session of the governments of Macedonia and Bulgaria to be held in Strumica

Zoran Zaev; Photo: Tanjug / Dragan Kujundžić

STRUMICA – On Thursday, November 23, a joint session of the governments of Macedonia and Bulgaria will be held in Strumica, and then ten new agreements will be signed. This has been announced by Prime Minister of Macedonia Zoran Zaev in Strumica, where he addressed the training for political leaders organized by the Institute for Politics from Bulgaria.

He said that it is very important “to look at the perspectives and to build friendship with our neighbors, while protecting our positions and realizing our role in society” and that politicians often do not see the unity and closeness of the citizens of both countries. Zaev stressed that besides the government, the opposition has a responsibility to citizens, pointing out that the Treaty of good neighbourly relations between Macedonia and Bulgaria should be supported by the opposition.

“I would like for us, in Macedonia, both the government and the opposition to support such important documents, which opens, not only friendship, but also great alliance between Bulgaria and Macedonia, in order to help the citizens of Macedonia in the integration process for membership in the European Union and NATO”, Zaev said, and added that this is particularly important because Bulgaria will preside at the European Union in the first half of the next year.

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