European Western Balkans

SEE Think Net Network: policy recommendations ahead of London Summit

Established in mid-March 2018 with the help from the European Fund for the Balkans, SEE Think Net Network encompasses think tanks, civil society organisations and individuals from the Western Balkan countries, Croatia and Slovenia. Its goal – influencing the policy making process in the areas covered by the Berlin Process – is more prominent than ever thanks to the upcoming London Summit of WB6 leadership.

In order to promote SEE Network’s work and policy briefs, Institute for Democracy Societas Civilis, Network’s coordinator, in cooperation with others, is organizing three events: in Skopje on July 4, Belgrade on July 5 and Tirana on July 6. The latter two will also be addressed by the Ambassadors of the United Kingdom to Serbia and Albania, as they are representing this year’s Berlin Process host country.

In Skopje, SEE Think Net Network’s work will be presented by Dr Jelka Klemenc, Project Coordinator at DCAF Ljubljana and Donika Marku, researcher at the Kosovar Centre for Security Studies. They will also present two papers: “The Berlin Process as an Actor in International Security and Counter-Terrorism: Opportunities and Pitfalls” and “Rethinking security: Western Balkans as the security provider”.

In Belgrade, the speakers in this part of the event will be Dr. Senada Šabić Šelo, Senior Research Associate at Zagreb’s Institute for Development and International Relations, as well as Vladimir Petronijević, Executive Director of the Group 484. The paper that will be presented is entitled “Enhanced cooperation to tackle migration – Western Balkans and the Berlin Process”.

Finally, in Tirana, presentation of the paper “Western Balkans and the Rule of Law: How to solve a catch-22” will be given by Dr Dorian Jano, Executive Director of the EU Policy Hub, Zoran Nechev, SEE Think Net coordinator and Senior researcher at the Institute for Democracy Societas Civilis and Jovana Marović, Executive Director of Montenegrin Politikon Network.

Each event will be concluded by the questions from the audience.

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