European Western Balkans

EU Policy Hub’s forum on EU enlargement next week in Tirana

Tirana; Photo: European Commission

On Thursday, 15 November, EU Policy Hub will host a forum entitled “Double Fatiguee to EU enlargement: The Challenges and Prospects of Western Balkan’s EU Accession” in Albania’s capital.

The term “double fatiguee” is related to the combination of “domestic fatiguee” in Western Balkan countries to catch up with European integration and “EU fatiguee” to tailor-made approach to specific needs of these countries, the announcement reads.

Opening speeches will be delivered by Johan Sattler, Austrian Ambassador to Albania, Wulf Lapins, Head of Friedrich Ebert Stieftung in Tirana and Andi Dobrushi, Executive Director of the Open Society Foundation of Albania.

Minister for Europe and Foreign Affiars of Albania Ditmir Bushati and Head of Mission of EU Delegation to Albania Luigi Soreca are also expected to confirm their participation in the opening event.

The forum will consist of two panel discussions. The first of them will focus on the latest political developments in the EU and their consequences on the enlargement process, while the second will cover the challenges Western Balkan countries face in their efforts to achieve EU standards.

The speakers list includes Srđan Cvijić, Senior Policy Analyst at the Open Society European Policy Institute in Brussels, Zoran Nechev, Senior Researcher at the Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis” in Skopje, Venera Hajrullahu, Director at the Kosovar Civil Society Foundation in Pristina, Srđan Majstorović, Chairman of the Governing Board at the European Policy Centre in Belgrade and others.

The panels will be moderated by Mariola Qesariku, Program Coordinator at the Friedrich Ebert Stieftung in Tirana, and Klodjan Seferaj, Program Manager at the Open Society Foundation of Albania.

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