European Western Balkans

Majlinda Bregu takes office as the Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council

Majlinda Bregu; Photo: Tanjug

SARAJEVO – Majlinda Bregu assumed her duties of the new Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) today, following the appointment by the South-East European Cooperation Process (SEECP) Foreign Ministers in Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia on 23 April 2018.

Bregu is an experienced Albanian politician and a strong believer in the European Union project. For three consecutive legislatures (2005-2017) she was elected a Member of Parliament of Albania, as a Democratic Party member. In July 2005, Mrs. Bregu was elected as the president of the Albanian Parliamentary Delegation to the EU-Albania Stabilization and Association Parliamentary Committee. From March 2007 to September 2013, she served as Minister of European Integration, National IPA Coordinator and the Government Spokesperson.

Regional cooperation and good neighbourly relations are essential for progress on our region’s European path. Significant progress has been achieved in the past years but there is still a long way forward. The new RCC Secretary General is eager to continue working with all the stakeholders for the advancement of the political climate of dialogue, reconciliation, tolerance and openness towards cooperation, as key preconditions for the stability and prosperity of the SEE region and its citizens.

Majlinda Bregu succeeded in this post Goran Svilanović who held the post in two consecutive mandates (2013-2018).

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