TIRANA – The Commission on European Integration in the Parliament of Albania held a hearing, with Acting Minister Gent Cakaj attending to receive a briefing on recent developments in the processes concerning Albania’s integration into the EU, especially in a key moment where the official launch of negotiations between Albania and the EU is also expected.
Minister Cakaj advised the Commission of the current stage of developments, underlining that, as well as being an affirmation of Albania’s achievements in the five key priorities, last year’s decision by the Council has at the same time served as guidelines for the preparatory work, and the screening process itself on which Albania has embarked, in the run-up to the start of negotiations on each chapter of the aquis.
In this aspect he pointed out that: “Besides the evident progress made in carrying on the screening process, Albania has also taken additional steps that live up to the high expectations for the start of negotiations, and in concrete terms, in the technical and administrative preparation of the Albanian institutions so as to be able to cope with the volume and dynamics subsequent to eventual launch of the accession negotiations, starting with the adoption of the Decision by the Council of Ministers on the structure tasked with negotiating to the enactment of all the secondary legislation that helps govern the functioning of the institutions of the Albanian State for the conduct of the negotiations.”
“Internal discourse within the EU on enlargement might not be the most positive possible discourse, and nonetheless, Albania still enjoys the support of the absolute majority of the Member States, which is a clear indication of the appreciation of the stability of reforms carried out in Albania”, said Minister Cakaj before the Parliamentary Commission on European Integration.
In the exchange with the members of this Commission in the Parliament of Albania, Acting Minister Cakaj once again underlined his belief that the decision on the launch of negotiations will be made based on Albania’s merits and progress, and Albania’s constructive role and internal substantial reforms, and Albania’s performance in the region, and its policies in full accordance with the EU security and foreign policy principles.