European Western Balkans

Bilčík: Western Balkans must be assured that EU enlargement will continue

Vladimir Bilčik; Photo: European Union

BRUSSELS – “Our partners [in the Western Balkans] must be assured of the continuation of the enlargement process, and I believe that the revised methodology clearly goes in this direction”, stressed the Chair of EP Delegation to EU-Montenegro SAPC and the Standing Rapporteur for Serbia Vladimír Bilčík in a press release, following the presentation of the new EU enlargement methodology proposal earlier today.

European Commission presents its proposal for a new enlargement methodology

Bilčík underlined the importance of having a concrete proposal on the table after the non-decision of the European Council not to start accession negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia in October last year. He also assessed that parliaments in the Western Balkans must play a key role in pushing the EU reform agenda forward with the support of the European Parliament.

The new Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Olivér Várhelyi, The Chair of European Parliament Delegation for Serbia Tanja Fajon, and Vladimír Bilčík will visit Serbia and Montenegro this week, to discuss the European perspective of the Western Balkans and the EU accession related reforms with countries’ officials.

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