European Western Balkans

Miščević: Chapter 27 challenging and extensive

BELGRADE – Head of Serbia’s team for accession negotiations with the EU Tanja Miscevic said Tuesday that Chapter 27, concerning the environment, was demanding and extensive and there were many things to do in connection with it.

Speaking at the opening of a Visegrad Group (V4) seminar at the Czech Embassy in Belgrade, Miscevic pointed out that it had been  established during the aquis screening that a lot of work needed to be done in that area.

“As citizens we are often unaware of the needs that are there, such as in the area of wastewater management, which we are discussing at the seminar today,” Miscevic said.

Miscevic urged EU member-states to assist Serbia by sharing their experiences, both positive and negative, regarding the implementation of measures concerning Chapter 27, and also opinions what could have been done differently.


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