European Western Balkans

Open Government Partnership – Dialogue with CSOs about National Action Plan 2016-2018

SKOPJE – Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organizations project (TACSO) financed by the European Union and Ministry of Information Society and Administration are pleased to invite the media to the conference “Open Government Partnership – Dialogue with CSOs about National Action Plan 2016-2018” to be held on 23-24th of March in hotel Aleksandar Palace, Skopje.

At the conference, the initiative Open Government Partnership will be promoted to civil society organizations (CSOs) and CSOs will be informed about the progress achieved in the country. Further on, CSOs will have possibility to give suggestions and recommendations for the design of the next action plan for 2016-2018. Regional experiences will be also presented at the conference.

Open Government Partnership – OGP is an international platform in which Governments and CSOs are committed to making their governments more open, accountable and responsive to citizens. Since the beginning of this year Ministry of Information Society and Administration started with the preparations of the next OGP action plan for 2016-2018 and it plans to consult and involve all relevant stakeholders in its preparation.

Ms. Marta Arsovska Tomovska, Minister of Information Society and Administration and H.E. Mr. Aivo Orav, Head of EU Delegation will address at the conference opening.

The achievements will be presented by coordinators of the following action plan working groups:  Participatory policymaking, Open data (Ministry of Information Society and Administration), Freedom of Information (Commission for Protection of the Right to Free Access to Public Information), Combating corruption and promoting the good governance principles (State Commission for Prevention of Corruption), Efficient management of public resources (Ministry of Finance) and Openness at local level (Ministry of Local Self-Government).

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