European Western Balkans

Orav meets with Nedelkova to discuss reforms to the Judiciary

Aivo Orav

meta_maliSKOPJE – Reforms to the judicial system, adopted laws and their implementation, as well as the IPA projections for the judiciary, were the topic of discussion between the President of the Supreme Court, Lidija Nedelkova, and EU Ambassador Aivo Orav, which took place on Wednesday this week.

Nedelkova, stated the Supreme Court, at the meeting expressed graduation for the cooperation and assistance of the European Union for several of their projects in the judiciary.

“The President of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Macedonia, Lidija Nedelkova expressed gratitude for the cooperation, support, and assistance for a number of projects by the European Union in Macedonia and she noted that it is necessary for the support to continue for judicial reform in order to ensure and improve the efficiency and the independence of the judiciary. At the end of the meeting, President of the Supreme Court, Lidija Nedelkova, expressed appreciation for Aivo Orav’s personal support and the cooperation of the European Commission Delegation of the European Union with the Supreme Court of the Republic of Macedonia, over the duration of her term”, the court statement said.

Two weeks ago, on June 23 Nedelkova had a meeting with US Ambassador Jess Baily, where they discussed the current improvements and results from the reforms to the judiciary.

“The President of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Macedonia, Lidija Nedelkova and the Ambassador of the United States, Jess Baily, both stated the need for continuation of the reforms, but by giving priority to the amendment of certain legal provisions for providing and improving the efficiency of an independence judiciary “, stated part of the announcement of the Supreme Court concerning that meeting.

The meetings of foreign diplomats with representatives of the judiciary comes at a time when they have been increasingly talking about the need for establishing a special court department that would take on the cases from the SPO.

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