European Western Balkans

Macedonian MFA: Statements with inflammatory rhetoric are not in spirit of European values

Skopje; Photo: WikiComons/Raso mk

meta_maliSKOPJE – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemned the statement of the Albanian MP, Mesila Doda when during the visit to Debar today she said that Macedonia doesn’t exist, and that this is an old Albanian area and that its name is Ilirida, Meta reports.

“MFA condemns the public announcements with insulting and inflammatory rhetoric by officials from Albania that refer to the Republic of Macedonia. The irresponsible statements by officials, which position enforces a responsibility for the stated statement, are not in the spirit of good neighborly relations and the declared pledges for friendship and cooperation between two countries and aren’t in the spirit of the European values” said MFA’s reaction.

The Ministry expects that the officials from the neighborhood will withheld from firing up the tensions in the region and that it would be more useful if their energy was directed towards more constructive proposals and initiatives – which would have strengthened the cooperation and the trust between the two countries, the standard of living would have been improved and it would have sped up the European integration.

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