European Western Balkans

Dačić: Presence of UNMIK in Kosovo important for Serbia

Ivica Dačić at SPIEF; Photo: Tanjug/Jaroslav Pap
ST. PETERSBURG – Serbian Acting Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dačić met Friday on the sidelines of the International Economic Forum in St. Petersburg with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, Serbian Government stated.

Dačić once again congratulated Guterres on his election as Secretary-General of the United Nations, and expressed the readiness of Serbia to continue cooperation with this world organisation, inter alia, in the context of its peacekeeping operations.
He also informed his interlocutor that a UN house has been opened in Belgrade and invited him to visit Serbia.

Dačić emphasised that for Serbia it is very important that UNMIK remains in Kosovo with a neutral status under Resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council.

The UN Secretary-General pointed out that the position of the United Nations is clear, and that is that it is necessary for the mission to stay in this area because the problem is not solved yet.

Other questions of regional security were discussed at Friday’s meeting.

Dačić also spoke with Foreign Minister of Hungary Peter Szijjarto about bilateral relations between the two countries, cooperation in the sphere of energy and opportunities for Hungary to be the guest of the Agriculture Fair in Novi Sad in 2018.

The meeting was also attended by Serbian Minister of Agriculture and Environmental Protection Branislav Nedimović and Minister of Economy Goran Knežević, according to a statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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