European Western Balkans

Žbogar: I am not worried about implementation of “3-6-9” plan

Samuel Žbogar; Photo: Tanjug / Oksana Toskić

STRUGA – At today’s visit in Struga, EU Ambassador Samuel Žbogar expressed optimism regarding the implementation of the Government reform “3-6-9” plan.

“We hear the word commitment and dedication very often by the state institutions of the Government and Parliament that they are committed to make changes related to the legal solutions. At the moment, I am not concerned about the implementation itself of the “3-6-9” plan, especially because the problem has never been related to the adoption of the new legislation, but always in the implementation of the legislation”, said Žbogar, answering a question regarding Government reform plan.

Regarding the work of Parliament, he briefly replied that so far the legislature is doing its job well.

Regarding the law on languages, Žbogar said that he expected all political parties to support him, but also added that he expects the Albanian community to show understanding of the views of the other party, as well.

“As for the use of languages including the Albanian, it is an issue of great importance for the Albanian community in your country, because their community feels that the implementation of the Ohrid Framework Agreement will be complete with the adoption of this law. If ethnic communities try to listen to each other, why someone needs or asks for some rights to be realized. The same refers to the Albanian community to listen the other party and its fears. I think that if all sides have the same approach, at the end the solution will be supported by everyone”, said Žbogar.

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