European Western Balkans

[VIDEO] Berlin Process: Motivation or distraction for the Western Balkans

Is the Berlin Process a motivation before accession to the European Union or serves as a distraction to the Western Balkans while the EU is dealing with its own problems?

Forum Europe is a TV debate about the current problems concerning the European integration of the Western Balkans. It is broadcast on N1 television and is transmitted from a studio in the European Parliament.

In a debate with Ivan Dragićević and Amir Krivošija are involved members of the European Parliament, European Commission officials, well-known public figures, as well as experts and analysts who are dealing with the Western Balkans.

This program is organized and supported by the European Fund for the Balkans – joint initiatives of European foundations established to undertake and support initiatives aimed at bringing the Western Balkans closer to the European Union through donations and operational programs.

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