European Western Balkans
Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue

Beyer: EU perspective ad acta if Serbia and Kosovo show no willingness for progress

German Bundestag; Photo: Wikimedia Commons / Jürgen Matern

BERLIN – The Western Balkans rapporteur in the German parliament, Peter Beyer expects from the Western Balkans Summit in Berlin responsible and constructive behaviour and concentration on the content and frame of Serbia – Kosovo Dialogue.

“We are not talking about concrete plans with conditions but about an informative and open exchange of opinions concerning regional issues,” Beyer said, adding that he hopes Serbia and Kosovo will use the meeting constructively.

“Because if they continue to have no willingness for progress, the EU perspective of both countries will be put as acta,” he warns.

According to him, no one is talking about the idea of border exchange. Nevertheless, he would not be so relaxed because rewarding borders on ethical principals could provoke spillover reactions. He points out that this suggestion should be stopped no matter who suggested it without dilemma.

Commenting on the situation in the region and whether there is a willingness to leave the pat position he thinks that participants of the process are the ones which know better.

“Conversations in the region could be described as a constructive one. But what came out is that the trust in the EU has dropped. It is different when we speak about German and possible impulses on sustainable solutions. Having that fact in mind, we could conclude that conference set up in Berlin could significantly influence on the process”, Beyer concludes.

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