European Western Balkans

Bratislava: Cooperation between V4 and the WB – What role for think tanks?

Conference "Cooperation between V4 and the Western Balkans – What role for think tanks?"; Photo: Centre for European Integrations at the Institute for Democracy "Societas Civilis"

BRATISLAVA – V4-WB cooperation in the context of the Berlin Process and summit in Poznań, and how to exploit the V4’s potential, were the main topics discussed at the conference “Cooperation between V4 and the Western Balkans – what role for think tanks?“, organised by the Slovak Foreign Policy Association in cooperation with Think Visegrad, a network of think tank organisations from the V4 countries.

The conference took place on May 27-28 in Bratislava as a side event of the Slovak Presidency over the Visegrad group and gathered representatives of the civil society, think tank community and institutions from the Western Balkans and Visegrad group, as well as the International Visegrad Fund and the Western Balkans Fund.

The main goal of the conference was to share knowledge and experiences for the models of regional cooperation between the think tank communities in the Visegrad Group and the Western Balkans.

The think tank community of the Western Balkans, joined in the Southeast European Think Net Network (SEE Think Net) was represented by Zoran Nechev, Head of the Centre for European Integrations at the Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis”, Donika Emini from the Kosovar Centre for Security Studies, Jovana Marović from the Politikon Network and Jelica Minić from the Network of European Movement in Serbia.

The conference in Bratislava is financially supported by the International Visegrad Fund as part of the “Regional cooperation in the Western Balkans: The Berlin Process and Visegrad Group in comparison” project, coordinated by the Institute for Democracy “Societas Civilis” – Skopje.

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