European Western Balkans

Plenković: France may change its stance on EU enlargement before Zagreb Summit

Andrej Plenković; Photo: Flickr / European People's Party

ZAGREB – Croatian Prime Minister Andrej Plenković assessed that France may change its stance on EU enlargement before the Zagreb Summit in May, reports Tanjug.

Prior to the visit of European officials to Zagreb, on the occasion of the official launch of Croatia’s presidency of the EU Council, Plenković said that the new Enlargement Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi is currently working on a document that could change the methodology of accession negotiations, which France is likely to accept. Plenković reminded that the French President Emanuel Macron said back in October that the accession process should be less bureaucratic, reports HRT.

Plenković also stressed that the main goal of the Zagreb Summit, scheduled to take place in May this year, will be to intensify talks between the members and EU candidate countries while ensuring that the meetings are taking place at least once every two years.

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