European Western Balkans
Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue

Wadephul: The long stagnation of the Dialogue has worsened the situation in both Kosovo and Serbia

German Bundestag; Photo: Wikimedia Commons / Jürgen Matern

BERLIN – Member of German Parliament (Bundestag) Johann Wadephul (CDU/CSU) stated that his group will continue to support both Serbia and Kosovo in the process of normalising of their mutual relations, because this is in the security interest of Germany.

President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić and Prime Minister of Kosovo Avdullah Hoti held a video conference with the President of France Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel today.

“After a long standstill, this summit was a successful start for the continuation of the normalization Dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo. The Dialogue has stagnated for far too long at almost five years, which has worsened the situation in both countries and in the region. It is therefore good that the EU is now speedily and emphatically striving to settle the issues that are open between the two countries and has already agreed on the first conferences for Sunday and the following Thursday”, Wadephul stated.

The last round of EU-facilitated Dialogue took place in November 2018. The two sides were scheduled to meet on Sunday in Brussels, but the in-person meeting will instead take place on 16 July, while on Sunday another video conference will take place.

The Dialogue, on behalf of the EU, is mediated by High Representative Josep Borrell and Special Representative Miroslav Lajčak.

The last formal agreement between Serbia and Kosovo was reached in August 2015.

“Normalisation of relations would make the entire Western Balkans more secure. This is essential for good economic and constitutional development in the region. However, Serbia and Kosovo will still have many difficult decisions to make and implement. The CDU / CSU parliamentary group in the Bundestag will support both countries because it is in the interests of German security”, Wadephul concluded.

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