European Western Balkans

Sarrazin: We will move forward with CRM even if Kosovo continues to block CEFTA

Manuel Sarrazin; Photo: Bled Strategic Forum

BERLIN – If Kosovo continues to block any further progress in the Common Regional Market, we will find a way to continue here without Kosovo, says Manuel Sarrazin, German Federal Government Special Representative for the Western Balkans, for European Western Balkans, after his address at the Tirana Connectivity Forum. He adds that that this includes the unblocking of the decision-making of the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA), of which six Western Balkan countries are parties.

Sarrazin said that the Berlin Process is the only inclusive regional format for all six Western Balkans countries, with the aim of improving regional cooperation, as well as cooperation with the EU in a number of policy areas and of supporting the countries in the region to achieve EU standards and the EU integration.

“Naturally, the invitation policy of the Berlin Process will not change and we hope that Kosovo will continue to participate. However, if Kosovo continues to block any further progress in the Common Regional Market, we will find a way to continue here without Kosovo”, Sarrazin underlines.

He adds that this includes the unblocking of the decision-making of the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA), of which six Western Balkan countries are parties. According to Sarrazin, Germany has negotiated a package deal to remove UNMIK from CEFTA’s decision-making so that Kosovo can represent itself.

“At the same time, Kosovo is asked to lift the import ban on goods from Serbia. If a solution to CEFTA is made possible by Kosovo, it will not have to happen without it. It will be Kosovo’s decision in which parts of regional cooperation it continuous to participate”, Sarrazin concludes.

During his visit to Pristina last week, Sarrazin said that he received a negative response form Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin Kurti to the request for a compromise.

Government of Kosovo introduced a ban the import of Serbian goods on 14 June 2023. The most affected with the decision are the citizens who were accustomed to using Serbian products. According to the Government, this was a response to the arrest of three Kosovo police officers in central Serbia. While the officers have since been released pending trial, the ban on Serbian goods remains in place.

For the tenth anniversary, the 2024 Berlin Process Summit will be convened in Berlin on 14 October, with representatives from Western Balkans and EU member states.

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