European Western Balkans

Berlin Process 2024 Chair’s Conclusions welcome new agreements, recommendations of civil society

Roundtable meeting, Berlin Process Summit 2024; Photo: European Union

BERLIN – “In the face of geopolitical uncertainties and Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, the Berlin Process participants reaffirmed the key role of the Berlin Process on its 10th anniversary in strengthening ties in connectivity, trade, energy, transportation, implementation of innovations, and green transition” reads the first of the 48 Chair’s Conclusions adopted at today’s Summit.

Today’s Berlin Process Summit was hosted by the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and marked a decade since the format was launched in 2014. Prime Ministers from the Western Balkans Six signed the Declaration of Support to the Common Regional Market Action Plan 2025-2028, as well as the Agreement on Access to Higher Education and Admission to Higher Studies.

The Chair’s Conclusions, adopted at each annual Summit, were also published today. According to the document, “participants summarised developments, challenges and prospects for regional cooperation in the Western Balkans as a step toward the region’s gradual integration into European Union rules and regulations”.

“The participants emphasised the need for increased regional cooperation through the Common Regional Market (CRM), which is an integral part of the Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, as the key to promoting economic growth and improving living conditions in the region. Against this background the participants warmly welcomed the new Action Plan for the CRM 2025-2028, endorsed by the leaders of the Western Balkans Six. It is a cornerstone document that builds on the successes and previous implementations achieved by the CRM and that will further deepen regional economic integration, based on EU rules and standards”, the third conclusion reads.

According to the Conclusions, the participants also welcomed the unblocking of the Central-European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA) as a key pillar for the implementation of the CRM during the Joint Committee Meeting on 9 October 2024, and the adoption of ten decisions, one Additional Protocol and one Recommendation, that will concretely contribute to the development of the regional market and bring substantive benefits to the citizens in the region.

Read the full text of the conclusions here.

“The participants welcomed the recommendations from the Civil Society and Think Tank Forum and underlined the need for the role of civil society in building a strong democracy and prosperity in the Western Balkans”, reads the 13th conclusion.

Last week, CSOs urged Berlin Process leaders to adopt specific conclusions to abstain from all types of direct and indirect oppressions towards civil society. The official document does not contain the proposed conclusions.

According to the 16th conclusion, the Western Balkans Six participants underlined their commitment to regional cooperation in an agreed Joint Declaration to reaffirm good neighbourly relations and regional cooperation.

“The Western Balkan Six participants acknowledged that dialogue and constructive approaches are key to address unresolved bilateral issues. They recalled the commitments made by the Leaders of the Western Balkans Six and participating countries at the Berlin Process Summit in Vienna 2015 as well as at the Summit in London in 2018, such as resolving bilateral questions in a spirit of good neighbourliness”, this conclusion reads.

Other conclusions covered the areas of Youth, Science and Education, Connectivity and Transport, Energy, Climate policy and Green Agenda, Food and Agriculture, Social policy, Inclusion, Gender and Equality, Migration and Security.

In conclusion, the participants stressed the wish for the continuation of the Berlin Process in order to harness the full potential of improved and inclusive regional cooperation.

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