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Serbian MPs want to introduce Remembrance day of Srebrenica Genocide

National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia; Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Belgrade, 03.07.2015. – Ten MPs of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia suggest the adoption of the new Resolution on Srebrenica Genocide (Sulejman Ugljanin, Enis Imamović, Sabina Dazdarević, Aida Ćorović, Nenad Čanak, Bojan Kostreš, Olena Papuga, Đorđe Stojšić, Nada Lazić, Dejan Čapo). European Western Balkans brings you the informal translation of this draft resolution:

Respecting the decisions of the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia,

In order to restore interethnic trust, building a stable and lasting peace, security, cooperation and trust between nations,

Expressing the deepest reverence for the victims of the Bosniak people killed in the Srebrenica genocide,
The National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia adopts

Resolution on Srebrenica Genocide

  1. Strongly condemns the Srebrenica genocide.
  2. Condemns any denial of this genocide.
  3. Proclaims 11 July as Remembrance day of Srebrenica genocide.
  4. Express sympathy for all the victims of the wars in former Yugoslavia, as well as for their families and call all the neighbor countries to continue ensuring the justice and long-term support for the survivors, including, where appropriate, those who were the victims of the sexual violence.
  5. Confirms the commitment of the State to prevent a genocide and others serious crimes and confirms the attitudes of the final document of the 2005 World Summit and responsibility for protecting the population from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing, and crimes against humanity.
  6. Guarantee the ratification and full implementation of the Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide and the adoption of laws necessary for the fulfilment of obligations under Convention.
  7. Supportsefforts toconduct investigationand prosecutionindicted for genocide inSrebrenica, and commits itself touse all available meansand mechanismsto investigate andprosecute allthose who are responsible.
  8. Underlines thecrucial importance ofreconciliationthat is basedon dialogue, dealing with the pastand commitmentto justiceand supportfor victims,asthe basisforstrengtheningsecurity, stability andprosperity in the region.
  9. Commitstodevelopeducationalprograms that willinculcatefuture generationsthe lessons thathave been learnedfrom pastgenocides, war crimes, ethniccleansingsand crimesagainst humanityin order to prevent repeating of them.
  10. Confirmsthe importance ofthe lessons ofthe failure toprevent the genocidein Srebrenica, as statedin the report ofthe UN Secretary Generalin accordancewith General Assembly resolution53/35anddecides toactearly andeffectivelyto preventa repetition of sucha tragedyand for this purposetouseavailable means.
  11. Occupiestheposition thatviolations of humanand minorityrights maybe an earlyindicator ofthe potential for genocidein that sense,is obligedto adoptlegislative and otherlegally bindingactsthat willundoubtedlyensure the protectionandfull realization ofhuman and minorityrights ofminoritiesandensureconditions for the realizationof the right topolitical existence.
  12. It occupiestheposition thatviolations of humanand minorityrights maybe an earlyindicator ofthe potential for genocide, andin that sense itis obligedto adoptlegislative and otherlegally bindingactsthat willundoubtedlyensure the protectionandfull realization ofhuman and minorityrights and to ensureconditions for minorities for the realizationof the right topolitical existence.

The official document is available at website of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia.

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