European Western Balkans

Minister Çollaku submitted to the EU the last visa liberalisation Input

PRISTINA– Today, the Minster of the Ministry of European Integration, Mr. Bekim Çollaku, submitted to the European Union,  the last Input on fulfilment of eight visa liberalisation recommendations.

This Input, contains concrete results and achievements conducted during last three months, whereby, we except a positive assessment by EU institutions.

At the same time, the Government of the Republic of Kosovo expects that, based on commitment and dynamics noted in the European Commission upon publication of the last of their report dated 18 December 2015, to take place the visit of European Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, Mr. Dimitris Avramopoulos, in Kosovo, in order to jointly confirm the implementation of the remaining  recommendations. This will pave the way for the European Commission to propose to the European Parliament and the Council of the EU the visa liberalisation  for  Kosovo citizens.

Minister Çollaku, expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the hundreds of officials of the state administration of the Republic of Kosovo for an outstanding work done throughout visa liberalization process, especially in recent months. Also, he is convinced that the commitment and results achieved will be crowned with a deserved decision to enable Kosovo’s citizens to enjoy visa free travel to EU countries in the second half of this year.

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