European Western Balkans

Van den Dool: I believe Chapters 23, 24 can be opened in June

BELGRADE – I have not changed opinion regarding possible opening of Chapters 23 and 24 during the Dutch presidency of the European Union, Dutch Ambassador to Serbia Henk van den Dool has said, adding that he said earlier it could happen by the end of June, before the end of the Dutch EU presidency.
Asked by Belgrade-based Politika daily to comment on demands in connection with Chapter 23 arriving from Croatia over the previous few days, van den Dool said that it was not for him to comment on positions taken by individual EU member-states, but the Netherlands as holder of the EU presidency was working together with all member-statea towards reaching an agreement.

There is no need to speak to the press about every step in the process, said Van den Dool, adding that a decision to open a chapter necessitated consensus among all 28 member-states.

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